Saturday, September 29, 2012

Your feet during pregnancy

Foot topic of the month:  Your feet during pregnancy

A ship under sail and a big-bellied woman, are the handsomest two things that can be seen common.  

 –Benjamin Franklin

As this topic is currently quite relevant to a number of our friends and patients, we chose it to begin our monthly discussions on foot and ankle health. A number of changes take place in the structure and function of a woman’s body during pregnancy, which help her carry a baby for nine months. These changes have direct or indirect consequences on the health of our lower extremities.

Natural weight gain during pregnancy increases the stress on the feet when walking. The increase in midsection mass also shifts the body’s center of gravity forward and requires certain postural adjustments to maintain stability.  These changes include an increased curvature of the lower back, forward tilt of the pelvis, genu valgum (knees positioned closer together), foot pronation and flattening, and relocation of pressure to the front and middle of the foot when walking. 1,2 These changes increase the demand on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the back, hips, and lower extremities predisposing women to certain injuries. 1,2

Many women complain of pain in the feet and ankles during and after pregnancy.  The pain is likely due to over-pronation and excessive stress on the soft tissue structures of the foot, such as joints, ligaments, tendons, and the plantar fascia. 1,2  To manage and prevent these symptoms, Dr. Dukarevich recommends avoidance of barefoot walking and use of shock-absorptive supportive walking shoes. Certain stretching exercises and icing may also help. Occasionally, if symptoms persist, Dr. Dukarevich will prescribe custom functional orthoses. These custom devices go inside your shoes and are made from a mold of your foot, based on the doctor’s prescription. They help to support the arch of the foot, prevent excessive foot pronation, and relieve tension on the soft-tissue structures.

Women’s feet actually increase in size, both in length and in width, during pregnancy. 1,2,5 The feet are not actually “growing”. The increase in size is due to the spreading and lowering of the bones of the foot during pregnancy. These changes are secondary to an increase in elasticity of the joints and ligaments and are likely permanent. Dr. Igor Dukarevich recommends appropriately-sized supportive walking shoes and either over-the-counter or custom orthotic devices. You can get your feet measured at most shoe stores. You can also stop by Advanced Podiatry Clinics and we’ll be happy to measure you, as well as advise you on a proper shoe size, style, and fit.

Swelling or edema of the lower extremities during pregnancy is also a common complaint. This is a common occurrence and can be especially bothersome at the end of the day and in the summer months. The lower extremity swelling is usually due to an increase in your body’s fluid volume, weight gain, as well as the baby’s pressure on the inferior vena cava (which is a large artery that returns blood back to the heart). 3,4

To relieve the swelling in the legs and feet, Dr. Igor Dukarevich advises avoidance of prolonged sitting or standing, elevation on the lower extremities, frequent short walks, use of well-fitting comfortable shoes, use of light support stocking, intake of enough plain water, and limitation of caffeinated and salty food products. A recent study also demonstrated improvement in swelling with regular foot and leg massage. 3,4  We do provide copies of this latest article for the father of your child in our office.

Edema of the lower extremities is usually a temporary condition and resolves rapidly after birth. Swelling of the face, neck, or upper extremities can a sign of a dangerous condition called pre-eclampsia and you should certainly consult your obstetrician. 3,4

Many women also report skin and nail changes. There is usually an increase in the rate of nail growth and a roughening of the nail texture. The skin also becomes dryer and often cracks, necessitating regular use of emollient lotions.

If you have any further questions on this topic, you are welcome to leave them on our Facebook page, e-mail Dr. Igor Dukarevich through our website at, or call Advanced Podiatry Clinics at (708) 450-0705.

1.      Ribeiro AP, Trombini-Souza F, de Camargo Neves Sacco I, Ruano R, Zugaib M, João SM. Changes in the plantar pressure distribution during gait throughout gestation. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2011 Sep-Oct;101(5):415-23.

2.      Bird AR, Menz HB, Hyde CC. The effect of pregnancy on footprint parameters. A prospective investigation. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 1999 Aug;89(8):405-9.

      3. Bamigboye AA, et al. Interventions for varicose veins and leg oedema in pregnancy.
          Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2007:CD001066.

5.      Ponnapula P, Boberg JS. Lower extremity changes experienced during pregnancy. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2010 Sep-Oct;49(5):452-8.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Advanced Podiatry Clinics will be attending the Chicago Lower Extremity Surgical Symposium on November 2-4th, 2012. The 6th Annual Chicago Lower Extremity Surgical Symposium provides updates on advanced surgical techniques in the management of lower extremity limb salvage and joint restoration in foot and ankle disorders. This course in an intense three days of lectures with case presentations, coupled with specialized hands-on cadaver skill workshops. We are always excited to discuss challenging cases with our colleges, participate in the cadaver workshops, and get the latest updates in reconstructive foot and ankle surgery.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dr. Claude Harb and Dr. Igor Dukarevich have signed up for the Prodigy 5K Run in Melrose Park, IL on the Veterans Day weekend (Saturday, November 10th, 2012).  The run is one of the newest races in the Chicagoland area and we are excited to participate in it. The race will begin on theWinston Plaza, wind through the historic village neighborhoods and end at "Serpico Field."  Come out to see your podiatry physicians run and cheer for us! We will be wearing blue and white Advanced Podiatry Clinics t-shirts and will be easy to spot.

Prodigy 2020 Foundation was created because  many individuals lack an elements from what we believe are the basic life needs including, health, education, economics and social well-being, that are needed to fully participate in society.  The goal of the Prodigy foundation is to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.  We strongly support the foundation's values and are pround to participate in this event.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We are happy to announce that we have joined the Vanguard Health Network as a Tier 1 provider. We look forward to taking care of Westlake Hospital employees and their families.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our first blog!

This is Advanced Podiatry Clinic's first blog!

We had a great time at the Taste of Melrose Park 2012 over the Labor Day weekend, despite the weather not cooperating!  Advanced Podiatry Clinic was present at the fair with the James Medical Center tent. We performed diabetic foot screenings, provided education on foot care and disease prevention, and answered lots of questions.  We met a lot of great people and had a lot of delicious food. Check back for monthly updates on Advanced Podiatry Clinic's community service activities, foot health information, and updates on latest podiatric research. Thanks for reading.

 Rainy morning at the fair

 Dr. Claude Harb and Mayor Ronald Serpico of Melrose Park

 Advanced Podiatry Clinic Tent
(From left to right) Dr. Dominika, Dr. Harb, Dr. Pla, Dr. Dukarevich


Providing information on foot health to the public

 Bagpipe marching band


About Our Practice:
We are a friendly community podiatry clinic, specializing in surgical, biomechanical, and medical treatment of foot and ankle disorders. We strive to provide you and your family with superior, comprehensive, and affordable podiatric care in a comfortable setting. Our physicians and staff are always highly-trained, professional, and courteous. No complaint is too small or too big. When your feet hurt, you hurt - so make you appointment today!

Contact us:                                                               
Office: (708) 450-0705                                                             
Fax: (708) 345-0423                                                   

Our location:   
Advanced Podiatry Clinics, Ltd.  
James Medical Building     
1835 N. 19th Ave., Suite 102   
Melrose Park, IL 60160


We are conveniently located in the historical James Medical Building in the heart of Melrose Park, IL, on the corner of North Ave. and 19th Ave.  We are across the street from Chase Bank and Tom's Steak House. Please click here for directions to our office.


Office Hours:
You can call us anytime for and appointment or with questions at (708) 450-0705. We accept same-day appointments and walk-ins, based on availability.

Monday: 10 am - 6 pm
Tuesday: by appointment only
Wednesday: 10 am - 6 pm
Thursday: by appointment only
Friday: 10 am - 3 pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: closed